Truth, Justice, and Charity

Lincoln Emblem Club #433 of Lincoln, Illinois was established in 1967. The Lincoln Emblem Club is a subset of the Supreme Emblem Club of the United States and one of the clubs affiliated with Wisconsin-Illinois-Indiana-Michigan (WIIM) State Association. Lincoln Emblem Club members perform charity work to support their tennants of community service, literacy, drug awareness, Americanism, and scholarship.

Did you know?

  • Males are joining Emblem Clubs across the nation. It is not just a club for women.
  • You do not have to be an Elks member to join. The Emblem Club is an independent organization.
  • Emblem Club is not just an “old ladies” club. Anyone ages 16 or older can join.
  • Although we are titled Lincoln Emblem Club, anyone in or outside of Lincoln may join. We have members from Broadwell, Bloomington, New Holland, Sherman, and even out of state.